Patient & Public Involvement

A Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP), developed and organised by the McPin Foundation, have so far reviewed the study protocol and other study materials.

The panel bring lived experience of Bipolar to the team, so are able to advise on appropriate use of language and comment on the relevance of this research. Ongoing support is provided by the LEAP throughout the study in relation to its conduct, management and dissemination of results.

One of the co-applicants for the study, Thomas Kabir, is a patient representative who helped develop and design the study and joins regular Trial Management Group meetings. There is also a patient carer representative on the Trial Steering Committee to represent interests of the patient population.

Research Views & Experiences from the LEAP

Research isn’t something that happens in a dingy laboratory, it is something which we can all get involved in. Being a part of research can help to make an impact on people and policy. Results are acted upon and inform decisions.

LEAP member Keith explaining why he became involved in supporting mental health research.

It is very rewarding & allows you to develop your life skills.
At least 1 in 4 people experience Mental Health difficulties and even more people are carers. Research plays a huge part in making improvements and reducing stigma, offering hope and recovery.